Industries Served
Which Industries Depend on Schneider Electric for Electronic Repairs?
- Agriculture
- Air transportation
- Engineering & research
- Government services
- Heating and air conditioning
- Hospital and health services
- Distribution services
- Measurement equipment
- Ports and shipping
- Railroad transportation
- Recreation and amusement
- Transportation equipment
- Warehousing
- Water and wastewater
Discrete Manufacturing
- Aerospace
- Apparel manufacturing
- Automotive
- Electrical manufacturing
- Electronics manufacturing
- Furniture manufacturing
- Machinery manufacturing
- Printing and publishing
- Textile manufacturing
Process Control
- Aluminum
- Bottling
- Canneries
- Chemical manufacturing
- Electric power distribution
- Food processing
- Gas pipeline/gas distribution
- Lumber and wood products
- Mining
- Oil and gas extraction
- Petroleum refining
- Plastics manufacturing
- Primary metal industries
- Pulp and paper
- Steel
- Stone, clay, glass, and concrete
- Tire and rubber